Skin Perfect Brothers Powered by VLA
Weightloss Shot
Style:1 x Compounded Form - Trizepatide
Mounjaro/Zepbound, otherwise known as the Tirzepatide or Skinny shot is a weekly injection. You can lose 8-10 pounds a month. It is very effective and has fewer side effects than its competitors such as Ozempic. Mounjaro/Zepbound is also FDA-approved.
- Promotes weight loss
- Improves blood sugar control
- Increases your metabolism
- Helps regulate insulin
- Feel fuller faster
- Fights cravings
- Non-stimulating Non-habit-forming
*Must come in for a consultation and complimentary InBody Scan (scan)
Click this link to learn more!
*Come in for a free consultation, all treatments can be converted to tailor your needs!